Sunday, May 17, 2009

we are now in our second trimester!

I had my check up on Thursday... it seems as thought I turned 14 weeks on Thursday! Welcome us to the second trimester! We have been able to pick up Lover Bean's heart beat at home for about 2 weeks now. Our Fetal Doppler allows us to not only hear the baby's heart beat but also shows us what how many beats per minute. Lover Bean's heart rate is about 168-171 beats per minute!

I am having severe headaches and horrible dizzy spells... my doc thinks they are from hormones. But if they do not stop then he said he would send me to a Neurologist. I am hoping to stay away from that. It just seems my hormones affect my body is weird ways while I am pregnant. My heart also seems to be Palpitating. Which can be normal... as my body is producing more blood. But we plan on keeping an eye on that as well.

All in all... everything seems to be going well! I am no longer losing weight! So that is nice. I also have not thrown up in ONE WHOLE WEEK! WAHOO
Oh and we go back in 4 weeks to see what Lover bean is! Any guesses?!
