Katelyn Isabel was born on November 14, 2009 at 9:27 pm. She weighed in at 6 lbs 14 ounces and was 19 inches long. She is a teeny one! Here is our story!
At 11:30 am, following lunch, I had a decent contraction and I felt a "trickle". I looked at my Stephen and said "oh oh" and then responded with "oh oh?!" I then went to the bathroom to find my panties were a little wet. Not knowing what it felt to have myw ater break... I decided to wait to see if it happened again. Within 10 mins it happened 3 more times. So I called my doctor's office. They told me to head to Labor and delivery to get checked seeing that I was 40 weeks and 2 days and only 2 days away from my scheduled induction.
We dropped Joslyn off at my inlaws and off we were. By the time we got to the hosp I was having contractions and my pants were WET. We got in to the triage at 1 pm and within 5 mins I was having hard core contractions every 2 mins! YIKES! So I was tested and my water had broken, well really sprung a leak! So I was admitted. At about 2 pm I was given my epidural because they thought I was progressing rather rapidly. Then all contractions stopped for 2 HOURS! Pitocin was given and within one hour they picked up again.
Katelyn's heart rate was all over the place. For about 45 mins hr heart rate was in the dangerously high zone (due to juice I was given at then hospital! hehe) then it was in the dangerously low zone. I was given oxygen and it began to return to normal.
At 6 pm I was dilated to 3 cm so we had to wait some more. By 8 pm I was having major pain and the epidural man was called back into my room. He added more medicine and no sooner as he had one foot out of my room I looked at the nurse and said "I have to go to the bathroom." MAGIC WORDS! She checked me and I was 8 cm! 10 mins later I was fully dilated and ready to go! (As with Joslyn it only took 2 hours to go from 3-10cm.) We decided to wait on pushing for 2 reasons... Stephen's mom and sister in law were not there yet and Katelyn was still really high up. The family arrived at about 8:45 pm (really ran into the room!) I said "we have been waiting." hehe.
By 9:15 I told the nurse I had enough and I was ready to go. She told me to do a practice push and when I did she almost freaked out and said "ummm okay! stop." She ran for the doctor and 3 pushes later (less than 5 minutes) Katelyn Isabel was born! She came out so fast that her head had no cone and she looked like a C-Section baby!

We are all doing so well and adjusting to being a family of 4! Katelyn is the best nurser I think I have ever seen and Joslyn just loves her new baby sissy!

Welcome to the world Katelyn Isabel!