Yes that is right! It seems as though Katelyn has been hit with the reflux ball! However, her reflux is not like the kind Joslyn had. Katelyn is a spitter, not silent reflux at ALL! At first she would just spit up after and before feedings, with no sings of pain. But now that is changing. She will spit up A LOT or not so much. Sometimes it will even come out of her nose at the same time. Her doctor said that if it comes out of her nose, then that means it is a forceful reflux. GREAT HUH?! Just what we need, another poor little love with reflux.
Katelyn will turn beat red, stick her teeny tongue out, shake her precious little head side to side, wiggle her body, and cry..... then you know something is coming up. She will do this every day, for most of her feedings.
We are trying to give her a breast milk bottle during her worst reflux episodes. We do not know how that is working yet as we just started it... but it worked really well with Joslyn.
It would be nice if Katelyn was what they call a "happy spitter", but she is showing signs of pain and discomfort. It is so heart breaking to watch her suffer. She is not even 1 month old yet and she is feeling pain.
I do not think that she spits all of the liquid out. I think she swallows some. But she is not showing ANY sign of breathing problems (which means no apnea) so we are counting our blessings with that. If we had another baby with breath apnea I think my heart would sink!