Saturday, May 17, 2008

5 weeks old

What an amazing little person Joslyn is! she has noticed toys in the past few days! She stares at them and yesterday she even began to hit the toys hanging from her car seat! She is just too smart. She is picking her head up and keeping it up, she thinks it is funny when we are trying to burb her and she wont keep her head down! She has also began to recognize Stephen's and my voices, when she hears us talking she will turn her head into our direction and look for us, when she sees us she smiles sooooo big! She is laughing now and trying to have conversations with us. She studies everyone she can, if we are talking to each other she will stare at us looking back and forth as if listening to the conversation! She is such an amazing miracle.
Last night she pushed her self to stand up while she was in Stephen's arms. He was only steadying her, not helping her stand. It was so crazy! I never would have thought I would see a 5 week old standing up! Then she bend her legs to squat and pushed her self up again! She did this a few times.
We go back to her doctor on Thursday so we will see if she gained weight, how long she is and we will speak to the doctor about her milestones she has reached REALLY early!

Yes, her hair is still red, her eyes are still blue, she is still in new born size EVERYTHING, and she has slept through the night 5 times so far!


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