Joslyn turned 5 months old on September 11! What an a mazing LITTLE creature she is! she can sit on her own now, for a few minutes if she does not get distracted. She is continuing to pull herself up with out help! How crazy is that?! When she sees something that she wants, she will simply dive to get it! No matter where she is..... she is very trusting! We have to be careful now how we hold her, or she could "dive" out of our arms.
She has not been eating well for about 3 weeks now. She will nurse for 3-4 minutes and then pull off and cry. I am lucky if I can get her to nurse for 10 minutes total! So we went in to see her doctor for a weigh in. She is still gaining weight so they are not concerned. But we are. Her GI Specialist appt is on the 24th. SO we plan on talking to Dr. Lui about her feeding. She is back on Prevacid, in hopes that the med will help her feeding. (if it is her reflux) Her Pediatrician thinks her feeding needs are just changing, so she does not need as much as she used to. But that does not explain why she will nurse for 3-4 mins and cry. When she went for her weigh in, she was 11 lbs 15.5 ounces (on an empty tummy) and when I fed her she was 12 lbs 2.9 ounces. She is still tiny.... but gaining weight. We will see what her GI Doc says.
On a good note: she is still has "hammy" as ever! See her picture.... that was taken on the 11th (her 5 months bday.) She is posing!!! What a funny girl!!!!!
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