Oh now that Christmas is over.... it seems the real world begins again! hehe.
Joslyn had her first ever cold! She had a fever of 101.4 the morning after Christmas and she had a stuffy nose. Luckily after one dose of Tylenol, her fever went down and did not come back. We were able to bring her to her Pediatrician... who checked her out and told us she had a cold! Her first ever illness! I was upset..... we had kept her healthy for 8.5 months! Her cold ran its course.... we rubbed Vick's Vapor Rub and turned the water to HOTTTTT. We all sat in the bathroom (even Mackinac) and we played on the floor. We also did 2 days of Tylenol and I also pumped and we gave her breast milk bottles. That way we knew how much she was taking in. I am happy to say she is back to being normally healthy!
She is also a crawling, pulling herself up.... LETTING go with one hand!!!!!!!!! (YIKES) drinking from A SIPPY!!!! (YAHOO!) and learning to sleep in her cribby. As she is out growing her bassinet.
Hope everyone had a merry Christmas!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
GI check up
Yesterday we were suppose to have her "last" GI appt. But someone made an error when they made our appointment. Dr. Lui was not at the main office! So she just got weighed and measured. I have a call into Dr. Lui's nurse seeing if we need to reschedule or not.
Joslyn now weighs 16 lbs 9 ounces and is just about 26 inches long. This puts her in the 10-25% for both her weight and length. She is doing super... she is still a little small..... but she is growing and looking SO GREAT!
She is also learning how to suck out of her Nuby Straw sippy cup! She drank about 1/2 ounces out of it yesterday!!!!! WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. It will be the most wonderful, perfect, MERRY, amazing, happiest Christmas I think we have ever had. Our gift is here.... not in my belly, but here with us. She is healthy, (minus her reflux) happy, amazing, and every other wonderful word there is!
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Love to everyone!
Jacky, Stephen, Joslyn olivia and Mackinac Island
Joslyn now weighs 16 lbs 9 ounces and is just about 26 inches long. This puts her in the 10-25% for both her weight and length. She is doing super... she is still a little small..... but she is growing and looking SO GREAT!
She is also learning how to suck out of her Nuby Straw sippy cup! She drank about 1/2 ounces out of it yesterday!!!!! WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. It will be the most wonderful, perfect, MERRY, amazing, happiest Christmas I think we have ever had. Our gift is here.... not in my belly, but here with us. She is healthy, (minus her reflux) happy, amazing, and every other wonderful word there is!
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Love to everyone!
Jacky, Stephen, Joslyn olivia and Mackinac Island

Monday, December 15, 2008
Joslyn just turned 8 months last week! 8 months old!!!!!!! WOWZERS!!!!!
Right now she is 35 weeks old!
Look at her go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe
We are having sippy cup issues. Joslyn will not drink out of them! We have gone through 2 different cups.... with and without plastic sippy parts. She just will not suck! So we are on a mission now.
Here she is just before she started crawling!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008
Christmas Lights!
Saturday night, we went to see Christmas Lights at Pettit Creek Farm. They have a huge property that they light up with lights every year. We have gone EVERY year since we moved to Georgia. It is so much fun! I bring a cup of hot chocolate, we turn Christmas music on, turn off the car lights, and go about 4 miles an hour!
This year Joslyn was with us! MERRY CHRISTMAS! Stephen's parents came too. It was great! Joslyn sat in the front with Stephen and I. (Only while we were at the farm. Then we put her back in her car seat.) SHE LOVED IT! They have tons and tons of lights. They also have reindeer, camels, other crazy animals, and EVEN SANTA! Sadly we could not see him. But he was there! Joslyn stayed awake for the whole thing and she talked the whole time!!!! It was so funny!
However, on our way home.......... she fell asleep HARD! **See last picture**

This year Joslyn was with us! MERRY CHRISTMAS! Stephen's parents came too. It was great! Joslyn sat in the front with Stephen and I. (Only while we were at the farm. Then we put her back in her car seat.) SHE LOVED IT! They have tons and tons of lights. They also have reindeer, camels, other crazy animals, and EVEN SANTA! Sadly we could not see him. But he was there! Joslyn stayed awake for the whole thing and she talked the whole time!!!! It was so funny!
However, on our way home.......... she fell asleep HARD! **See last picture**
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Well Joslyn weighs 15 lbs 15.5 ounces!!!! She is pretty much 16 pounds! OH IT WAS A GREAT MOMENT! She is now in the 10-25% for her weight! She is moving on up!!!!!!!! WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are so excited about her weight gain! It is amazing, since she is still breastfed and not on formula at all. Makes me feel like I can accomplish the whole breastfeeding thing! hehe
Here are some more pictures from the other night! Little Miss 16 pounds! hehe

Here are some more pictures from the other night! Little Miss 16 pounds! hehe

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
it has been a while!

I did not realize I have not posted in a long time. I guess it is true that time flies when you are having fun!
Joslyn is in such a great stage right now! She is rolling EVERYWHERE, says "dadda" more than her version of mamma (which is still "Ema".) She is also letting other people hold her now! She even puts her hands up for grandma and grandpa! She started doing that about 2 weeks ago! That was sooooo sweet to see!
Mackinac is in LOVE with her now! He gives her his toys and they play together! He will nudge his bally to her and she will pick it up. He just does not know that she can not throw it yet. He still will make her laugh just by walking by!
She goes to her Pediatrician tomorrow, for the second half of her 6 month shots and to be weighed. EVERYONE has seen a change in her size..... she is filling out so well. She still does not have chubby rolls....but she is getting bigger! We are hoping to see 16 pounds. The last time she went was the end of October and she was 14 lbs 6 ounces. She still had not doubled in her birth weight. But we think she may be close to 16 lbs if not 16 lbs now! If she is 16 lbs then that would put her in the 10-25 percentile. That would be soooooooo NICE! But we will see tomorrow.
She is now eating: Sweet taters, apple sauce, bananas (every once in a while... since they tear her up) pear sauce, green beans, carrots, bread pieces, bitter biscuits, mashed taters, and we will be trying Avocado this weekend. She is also trying to use a sippy cup. The first time she used it she knew to suck on it but now she is only bitting it.
Her first Thanksgiving was AMAZING! We also set up our Christmas tree! It was a special moment as I put on our angel babies (Lima Bean's and Babby Heart's) ornament. It made me realize what we are missing this year, but as I looked over at Joslyn.... it made me also realize what we have this year! We have an amazing miracle, our other two babies are in a wonderful place, and everyone is where they should be. We still wish that our angel babies were with us, but we also believe that there is a little piece of both of them in Joslyn....we find peace in that. (I still cried putting their ornaments up though.)
I will update on her weight tomorrow! For now here are some updated pictures of Joslyn
baby babble,
baby food,
baby talk,
homemade baby food
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