I did not realize I have not posted in a long time. I guess it is true that time flies when you are having fun!
Joslyn is in such a great stage right now! She is rolling EVERYWHERE, says "dadda" more than her version of mamma (which is still "Ema".) She is also letting other people hold her now! She even puts her hands up for grandma and grandpa! She started doing that about 2 weeks ago! That was sooooo sweet to see!
Mackinac is in LOVE with her now! He gives her his toys and they play together! He will nudge his bally to her and she will pick it up. He just does not know that she can not throw it yet. He still will make her laugh just by walking by!
She goes to her Pediatrician tomorrow, for the second half of her 6 month shots and to be weighed. EVERYONE has seen a change in her size..... she is filling out so well. She still does not have chubby rolls....but she is getting bigger! We are hoping to see 16 pounds. The last time she went was the end of October and she was 14 lbs 6 ounces. She still had not doubled in her birth weight. But we think she may be close to 16 lbs if not 16 lbs now! If she is 16 lbs then that would put her in the 10-25 percentile. That would be soooooooo NICE! But we will see tomorrow.
She is now eating: Sweet taters, apple sauce, bananas (every once in a while... since they tear her up) pear sauce, green beans, carrots, bread pieces, bitter biscuits, mashed taters, and we will be trying Avocado this weekend. She is also trying to use a sippy cup. The first time she used it she knew to suck on it but now she is only bitting it.
Her first Thanksgiving was AMAZING! We also set up our Christmas tree! It was a special moment as I put on our angel babies (Lima Bean's and Babby Heart's) ornament. It made me realize what we are missing this year, but as I looked over at Joslyn.... it made me also realize what we have this year! We have an amazing miracle, our other two babies are in a wonderful place, and everyone is where they should be. We still wish that our angel babies were with us, but we also believe that there is a little piece of both of them in Joslyn....we find peace in that. (I still cried putting their ornaments up though.)
I will update on her weight tomorrow! For now here are some updated pictures of Joslyn
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