Not too much has happened in the past week... JUST KIDDING! A ton of
stuff happens when we have a Joslyn running around!
She has learned how to "say" no no no, with her fingers. Looks like I
shake my finger at her when I tell her "no no no." hehe. She thinks it
is funny now when I say it, because she copies me! Goof ball! (that is
the picture below.)

She has also learned where her arms are! Also she knows how to turn on
the tv for us! She loves to turn it on and off... but we were teaching
her not to touch it, as she would turn it on and off ALL day long if
she were allowed to. So now, all we ask is "Joslyn can you turn the TV
on?" and she gets all excited, runs to the tv and pushes the button!
Then she runs back to the couch to look at what she did!
Oh and her video monitor broke this week! ohh I was so mad! We use
that video monitor every day, for every nap and all night long too. So
to be without it for one nap was a nightmare for me! So after her nap
was over, we picked Daddy up from work and went to buy another one.
We are not too happy with it, so we are going to exchange it for
another one tomorrow. But we had to get something to get us by! The
one we are getting, will work with 2 cameras. So when Katelyn is born
we will be able to see both of our babies on the video monitor. (if
all works correctly!)
Joslyn also cut her lower, right molar! No wonder she has been less than cheery lately! The other lower left one is trying to make an appearance too!
I am 29 weeks pregnant! All is going well. I passed my glucose test with flying colors, so that was nice! Katelyn is now head down and ready to come out in 11 weeks! 11 weeks!!!!! Oh man! hehe. Her heart beat is still in the 150's to 160's.. strong little thumper! Just the way we like it!