Joslyn is growing up soooooo fast! She had her 15 month check up a couple week ago. She is now 75% for her height!!!!! (WOWZERS!! far cry from what she use to be! For ever stuck in the 5-25%!!) She grew 4 inches in 3 months!!!!!!!!! She is also in the 25-50% for her weight! It is wonderful not to be concerned about her weight and height anymore! Kind of makes me worry more though! Cause we worried so long about her weight and her height... that now we dont have to anymore? Can we really cross one worry off of our list?! OHHH SCARY!!
She has 5.... YES 5.... teeth now! The top 2 and bottom 2 and now the bottom right incisor tooth! She is also starting to use her teeth to chew.. which is huge since she would always chew with her back gums and never in the front. (even with her teeth!)
Oh and she also is starting to poopy and peepee on the potty!!!!! She is not potty trained yet... but she is starting to go on the potty! Not every time, and she still goes in her diapers... but hey a 15 month old pooping and peeing in the potty, even a few time, is wonderful!
As for me... Katelyn is doing very well! We are 25 weeks and 4 days! We have hit the magic 25 week mark. If she were to be born now, she would have a pretty good chance of making it! But we are still telling her to stay in there for 15 more weeks! hehe.
Katelyn is not a fan of having her big sissy lay on her. When Joslyn rests her hea don my belly (which she thinks is a pillow now!) Katelyn starts kicking and punching! Last night Katelyn punched with such force that Joslyn's head bounced! She then looked at me like "what the heck was that mommy?!" Then proceeded to use her "pillow" again! hehe
Our girls are already fighting over their mommy! AWWWWWW hehe
Here is a picture of Joslyn saying "hi"

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