Saturday, April 26, 2008

15 days old

Joslyn is now 15 days old today!

She is doing better with her apnea and reflux. She has not stopped breathing since we got home from Scottish Rite, so we are happy about that. She still does have feeding issues however. She will forget to breath while she is feeding, nursing or by the bottle. She will not swallow the breast milk and she begins to gurgle and her lips will turn blue. The only way to get her to breath again is to stop her from feeding and sit her up. Sometimes we have to blow in her face to get her to breath. It is scary, but her monitor has not gone off during these episodes. Her Apnea monitor is set to go off when she stops breathing for 20 seconds. Her feeding episodes only last a few seconds.

But other than that she is doing just wonderfully! She only wakes up once or twice during the night to eat and then goes back to sleep. She is not one of those babies who is awake all night long...... at least not right now. I hear it could change.

She got weighed yesterday at a weigh in appointment. She is a healthy 7 lbs 10.9 oz!
She has continued to gain ounces with each visit! After dropping to 6 lbs 10 oz at Scottish Rite.... 7 lbs 10.9 oz is WONDERFUL! She is not one to turn food away! hehe.

New born clothes still swim on her, but maybe some day they will fit!


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