Saturday, October 11, 2008

6 months old!!!

oh happy day... Joslyn is 6 months old!!!
She is doing so well with her reflux. Still no grey episodes and no gasping. (Fingers crossed!) She is still refluxing up and down.... but she seems to not be too bothered by it! She is sitting up ALL BY HERSELF! How great is that?! Now the task is to get her to stay on her belly! She seems not to enjoy that anymore. (hint of her reflux) When we put her on her tummy... she will almost immediately roll to her back. So rolling from her back to her belly....... that one may be hard to get to!

Here is a video of her bouncing in her jumper. She has only recently learned to bounce in it and not just twirl around in it! It is soooo funny to watch her!

She seems to be gaining weight still..... we will find out this week how much weight she has gained. We are excited. We do not think she has doubled her birth weight (still) but she is getting there. The rule of thumb is by 6 months they should have doubled in their birth weight. Maybe by 7 months Joslyn will be there.


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