Sunday, February 3, 2008

31 weeks!

We will be 31 weeks tomorrow! That means we will only have 8 weeks to go! I can't describe how amazing it is to know how close we are to finally having our amazing precious gift! A friend of mine asked me how much longer we have to go, when I told her how many weeks and days... she said "oh just want her to get out of you huh?" She took it the wrong way. I am not in any rush! It is just amazing to have 8 weeks to go when we never were able to get past 8 weeks pregnant before! Joslyn Olivia will come when she is ready, no rush here. Sure we want to hold her and love her.... more than anything! So in that aspect we want her to come!

For weeks she has been trying out to be the youngest Rockette! She must be taking after me, dancing before she knows anything else! hehe.

Every day is a gift, every time she moves or rolls around is a gift. My husband and I are so thankful to get this chance to start our family. To go from our lowest point to now was such a long road.... but now we have an end in sight. Our light at the end of the dark tunnel is only 8 weeks away!


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