Wednesday, April 30, 2008

19 days old

We are adjusting wonderfully to our "new life" with our baby girl. She sleeps a good amount but she is staying awake more and more every day. She remains to be very very alert and she follows objects and people. She is now studying people and objects and will not remove her eyes from them. I have to say she is a pretty easy baby. (I knocked on wood...) the only time she cries is when she is hungry or very sleepy. She has her same night time feeding schedule, once or twice at night and that is all. Although Saturday night she slept ALL night long! I woke up at 6 to hear crying for food. Stephen looked at me and I asked him if he feed her earlier... he said "no, did you?" I said "No!" her first all night off sleep! (has not happened since.)

Mackinac does not seem to be bothered by her at all. He has sniffed her a few times, but that is about all. He is not bothered when she cries.... but when her monitor goes off he runs to it! Like he knows that something could be wrong. Thankfully they have been false alarms so far. He is just the best big fur brother ever!

We did tummy time the other night and used a bobby tummy time pad. She LOVED it! She kept on pulling her legs under her and pushing herself forward! At 16 days old! I think we are in trouble! hehe.

She got to met her great Aunt and Uncle over the weekend. She was, of course, wide eyed and awake the whole visit.

Just looking at her.... it is amazing! We have not yet taken her on a real outing. We think that will come soon! We may go to the park this weekend! That will be a video and picture moment for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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