Monday, May 12, 2008

1 month old!

Yesterday was Mother's day, which means one month ago yesterday Joslyn was born! It was such a great Mother's day for me. This time I was able to hold our baby, kiss her, look at her, and love her. The day before Mother's day was the due date for our first angel baby, Lima Bean. One year ago he/she would have been born. It is hard to imagine that, and it still hurts as well. God gave us two angel babies before he gave us our miracle baby. I tell Joslyn every day that she has two angels looking after her and giving her strength. Is pent Mother's day just holding her and and staring at her. What a miracle she is and how blessed we are to finally have her. Honestly I still feel like I am a mommy of 4: Joslyn, Mackinac, and our two angel babies. They all had heart beats at one point, so to me they are all babies; whether they are here or not.

For Mother's day both of my babies, Joslyn and Mackinac, got me a silver heart locket with their pictures in it. The locket says "mom" on the outside. I just love it! It was the best Mommy' day, plus Joslyn turned one month on that day! That was a gift in itself.

I hope every one had a great mother's day, even if your babies are not there with you.


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