Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Back on Zantac

We have made the decision to put Joslyn back on Zantac. She has not been eating normally for about a week now. She pulls off and screams, stiffens her body,she then either will refuse to latch back on orshe will latch on and pull right off and start the whole process over again. I thought she was getting mad at the fact that my let down had slowed down. I have over active let down.... so when she begins to nurse she chokes at the amount of milk coming out. She seemed to begin screaming right when my let down slowed down. So I thought she wanted it to come out fast again and when it did not she got mad. But this had been happening for over a week.. almost 2 weeks. So Stephen and I decided to try her medicine again. We are still nervous about giving her Prevacid... so we decided to try Zantac. I started her on her Zantac yesterday morning.....The effects started yesterday afternoon. She began to nurse longer and this morning at her 10 am feeding she nursed for 7 minutes the first one and then 10 minutes the second one. But she did something she has not done for 2 weeks...... when she was done with the second one she de-latched, looked up at me and began to talk and smile! OHHHHHH HOW I HAVE MISSED THAT!!!!!!It seems she was not getting mad but she has having relfux flare ups. So it looks like we are back on medicine again................... At this moment she is playing on her own! She is not screaming.... not crying..... not calling for me! It is now 10:32 AM and she just finished eating not too long ago.... and she is HAPPY!!!!! Oh happy day!

Joslyn is 19 weeks old and she goes to her doctor tomorrow for her 4 month well visit.


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