Thursday, January 15, 2009

9 month well visit

Can you say 17 pounds?!?!?! That is what she is at now! WAHOO! She has seen her GI Specialist and her Pediatrician this week. (She was a busy girl!)

She is 26.5 inches long, (dont know how accurate that is) her head is 17.5 inches around, and 17 lbs 3 ounces. So this puts her in the 10-25 % for weight, 10-20 % for length and 50% for head. Everyone was very happy about her numbers! Dr. Lui (her GI Doc) said she is doing well and to continue trying to lower her dose of Zantac. We hope to have her off the med fully by April (her 1 yr bday) if that is the case then we do not have to go back to Dr. Lui! But if she is still on it then he wants to see her on April 21.

Dr. Williams was happy about how she is looking, all of her milestones, (and how darn cute she is!! hehe) Joslyn's hemangioma is of no concern at the moment! It is located on her head, and it was very close to her soft spot. The closer it is to the soft spot.... the higher chance of the Hemangioma growing deeper in to her brain. (which is BAD). But Joslyn's soft spot is moving away from her Hemangioma..... so no concern! WAHOO. In some pictures you can see it. It looks like a bruise.... but it is not. It is called a "deep Hemangioma." Other Hemangiomas are red and stick out.... Deep Hemangiomas are blue, under the skin and have a lump.

So..... so far so good! She is a growing, wonderful, silly, little Sticky Bean!


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