Monday, January 26, 2009

She is walking!

Well kinda! hehe. Joslyn is now cruising around the couch! She is starting to let go and lean toward something to grab! She is a dare devil! The only thing she is afraid of......... strangers.... STILL!
We went to the Tennessee Aquarium the other day and we were in the elevator going to see the penguins.... A lady who works there was in the elevator with us and made the mistake of talking to Joslyn! BIG MISTAKE! Joslyn lost it! First you can see the fear in her eye (not kidding), then her lower lip sticks way out, her upper lip gets sucked in.... then the scream comes out! The lady felt soooo bad! She kept on apologizing and turned her back to us! She thought that if Joslyn could not see her that she would calm down. Luckily she calms down fairly quickly.... she just needs to be held close and then taken away from the situation. Preferably into a corner of the room so she can look at everything... (from a distance.)

Major milestone... (which is an advanced 10 month skill) Joslyn can put objects into other objects! She loves putting balls into other toys. It is so funny!

She is talking like crazy now! The louder she gets the more she cracks her self up! She will literally giggle at herself! Yupp that's our Sticky bean! hehe

I was finally able to catch her silly smile and giggle on video! She has so many different expressions! You never know which one you're gonna get!


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