Monday, April 27, 2009

Joslyn is getting to be a big girl!

Joslyn had her 12 month well visit last week. She is now 20 lbs 12 ounces!!!!! WAHOO She has hit the 20 lb mark! For her weight she is FINALLY in the 25-50%!!! But she is only 27.5 inches long which makes her only 5%! But we feel.... her weight is up so we will take it! We will worry about her length later! hehe.

Joslyn is just an amazing little thing! She is walking everywhere..... and has mastered walking BACKWARDS! Walking with her to the mail box is so much fun! She loves to hold Mackinac's leash.... from a distance it has to be the funniest picture! This little thing walking her dog! hehe

We are still doing well... I am 11 weeks preg today! WAHOO. The extreme sickness is starting to subside. I am no longer deathly ill ALL day... I maybe have 3-5 moments a day of sickness. Cinnamon gum has become my life saver! We went for my 9 week check up and Lover Bean's heart beat was in the 160s! So all looks wonderful! My due date is November 12.... one day before Stephen's bday! We pray every day.... in hopes that this baby is as strong as Joslyn was. My fear is that we will add another memory stone to our Memory Garden. But we have made it this far... and only with Joslyn did we make it this far before.

Here is Lover Bean at 9 weeks. Click on the picture to see it bigger and to see the details typed out.

1 comment:

Zack's Mom said...

We are SOOO happy for you!! We're thinking lots of good thoughts.
Janet and Z