Saturday, January 12, 2008

Our Story

My husband and I got married in June of 2006, 3 months later we got a BFP (big fat positive home pregnancy test) one month later our baby had no heart beat. 4 months later we got another BFP and once again we found out one month later that we were losing our second baby. With 2 losses so close together, we tried so hard to find ways to cope with the pain and hurt. We were shocked to find almost NOTHING on the internet about miscarriages and how to deal. As little information that I found for me.... there was even less information to help my husband. I was able to find a few people and resources with similar stories to help us get to the healing stage. But it was hard! My hope with this blog is to share our story and to help one person/couple in knowing that they are not alone.

I am happy to say that we are now almost 7 months pregnant with a wonderful baby girl. I will blog about her, our pregnancy (past and recent), and continue after she is born. I found that talking to people who had a similar story to us and had a wonderful full filing outcome, let us know that there was a light at the end of the dark tunnel.


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